Tribute To Mother From Daughter For Funeral

41 Rest in Peace Tribute To Mother From Daughter For Funeral

The relationship between mother and daughter is a critical one. The daughter is often the best friend of the mother and the bond between them is difficult to break. Every woman loves to have a daughter who is close to them and be their best friend. To see a mother depart is a bitter pill…

I Need A Miracle From God Right Now

50 Powerful Prayers to Say I Need A Miracle From God Right Now

Just one miracle from God can turn your life around totally. You will be so amazed that all you will do every time you remember the miracle will be to offer words of Thanksgiving to God almighty. Our God is all-powerful. There is nothing He can not do. No matter what the situation that you…

Quotes When Someone Dies Unexpectedly

35 Comforting Words and Quotes When Someone Dies Unexpectedly

Unexpected death comes up every blessed day, it can happen to anyone irrespective of status in society, it can happen anywhere and at any point in time, it can be by road accident, plane crash, Gas explosion, and so on. So when it happens, we need to grieve with the victims, loved ones, family, and…

Words Of Appreciation For School

40 Thank You Speech and Words Of Appreciation For School Management and Principal

As parents or guardians, you are not supposed to wait for teachers ‘ day, open day, or principal appreciation days before we appreciate those who care for and teach our children. The more we appreciate them the more they realize that you acknowledge their effort and their hard-noticed ice. Words of appreciation for school management…

Thank You Note To Parents From Teacher For Support

60 Inspirational Thank You Note To Parents From Teacher For Support

Parenting is one of the most challenging and rewarding duties and responsibilities so far. How children or youth of a community behave comes from their home. Thank you note to parents from teacher for support serves as an opportunity to acknowledge the utmost role parents play in the school community. Messages like this recall the…

Positive Messages For Students From Teachers

69 Motivational and Positive Messages For Students From Teachers When Studying

A student is someone who studies or learns a particular course or subject. A student is also someone who is formally enrolled in an educational institution or school. They are referred to as leaders of tomorrow or the next generation, who would make an impact or a change for the betterment of the world. That’s…

Words Of Gratitude For Teachers From Students

60 Appreciation Messages and Words Of Gratitude For Teachers From Students

Teachers are a crucial part of our lives and they leave a lasting mark in our lives as students which can never be forgotten. They hold the responsibility of grooming and nurturing us into a better version of ourselves. They impact us with the right knowledge and also help us understand them properly, they also…

Student Appreciation Message For Good Performance

50 Lists of Compliments and Student Appreciation Message For Good Performance

When a person does exceedingly well or shows a certain level of improvement they ought to be appreciated and complimented. The same goes for students, when they ace their exams or do well in class, or show a great level of intelligence they should be complimented to encourage them to do better. There is a…

Negative Behaviour Comments For Students

70 Negative Behaviour Comments For Students’ Report Cards

Positive remarks/comments are the backbone of instilling good heads-up, habits, passion, and behavior in children. Now what about “Negative behavior”? Frequently, teachers have a record of positive and negative classroom behavior lists to refer to and to track every student’s behavior at the end of the term or session. It is always the Joy of…